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3 Tiered Approach


Emergency- RELIEF

1.  Identify Priority Needs (Help for today)


2.  Identify Resource Groups and Resources available to assist.


3.  Coordinate Support Team (Circles of Hope Program)


This is the BEGINNING of the solution.  Emergency issues include personal safety, food, and temporary housing.  These are issues that we attempt to address AT THAT moment, utilizing and coordinating many of our community resource groups.  Our goal is that NO ONE will go hungry in Pratt, KS and EVERYONE should have a place to go.



Short Range Support- DEVELOPMENT

1.  Utilities- establishing a plan of action to restore utilities.


2.  Food and Needs- establishing ways to attain food and necessities.


3.  Transportation: Providing alternatives for transport.


4.  Short term employment: Offering various short term jobs for supplemental income.


5.  Long term employment: Beginning process of job training, online applications, and possible employment opportunities.


6.  Pregnancy: Offering counsel, support, and resources.


7.  Health Care: Alternative solutions to health care and services.

Become A Volunteer

Be a part of this!


Hope volunteers will be utilized by any partner resource group as needs arise and at the Hope Center doing the everyday, important chores.


We need willing hearts and hands!  If you are interested just click the volunteer button below and send us an email expressing your desire to volunteer!



1.  Circles


2.  Addiction Support Groups

3.  Individual, couple and family counseling

4.  Finance Skills

5.  Job Training

6.  Housing Solutions

7.  Health Solutions

8.  Church

9.  Life Skills



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